QuoLux™ is a world-leading digital learning, blended learning and in-person leadership development company, with a purpose to #InspireBelief within leaders at all levels in organisations.
Adults learn most from experience and by doing things. However, having the experience but missing the meaning has no value. Learning is not doing; it is reflecting on doing, and that is where we come in.
The QuoLux™ Online Leadership & Management Centre has been specially created to support you, as you take the time out to learn and to become the best you can be.
We will help you to think deeply about your own development and share tools, techniques and approaches that support you, your teams and your organisation. We will encourage you to reflect and apply your learning so that you make a difference in how you lead and influence others.
Whether you want to learn on your own, or with the support of a qualified and experienced coach or in a small group of like-minded peers from different organisations, we are here for you.
Look out for the online certificates, too. On successful completion of our courses and programs, you can add those to your social media feeds, building your credentials.
Mark Stewart
CEO, Stewart GolfI was initially sceptical about working virtually with a group of people I didn’t know, but the experience has actually been very positive. The technology works well and allows genuine interaction with peers and course leaders.
Nicola Bird
Safety and Business Development Director, KW Bell GroupWe have built a strong bond within our cohort by supporting each other as a ‘virtual board’ and the learning has been just as powerful. Via an online format, I have addressed my business plan, prepared a BvA, segmented my market and reflected a lot on change management.
This has been critical learning for me and the business after such a dramatic change in the industry and economy and will no doubt continue to help me through it.
Cordell Ray MBE
CEO, CCPI gained so much from LEAD™ with its focus on leadership development and business growth that I asked the QuoLux™ team if central elements of the program could be covered in a bespoke group course for my Senior Leadership Team (SLT).
One didn’t exist at that time, so I was thrilled to be presented with an online solution consisting of a nine-month program covering key aspects of leadership and management that was specifically focused on CCP and the needs of the SLT. Importantly this includes reflective workbooks and Think Tanks for the SLT to meet, discuss and embed learning before taking agreed action.
I have high expectations that my own learning journey will be further enhanced by the SLT sharing their new common knowledge and language. This in turn will ensure strength and depth throughout the charity. We’ll have true organisational development.
If you're interested in learning online, click below to see our online courses and programs.