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Blog: Leading with Insight

EI Blog (1)

The Cost of Workplace Conflict and the Power of Emotional Intelligence

Workplace conflict is a significant issue, costing the UK economy an estimated £28.5 billion annually, with nearly half a million employees resigning each year due to unresolved conflicts (Acas,…

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EI And Feedback

Emotional Intelligence & Empathy

Have you ever delivered feedback to someone only to have them become defensive and refuse to accept what you are saying or even get angry and storm out of the room?    Equally, have you ever been on…

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Chris Creed

Leadership Shadow

In last week’s blog we looked at the importance of self-awareness in leadership and shared steps that can be taken to develop and increase your own self-awareness.  As leaders, when assessing your…

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Self Awareness Blog 24.01.23

Building a key ingredient for leadership success

Self-awareness is often described as the single most important quality for effective leadership. Daniel Goleman, who popularised the concept of emotional intelligence in the 1990s described it as a…

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