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Blog: Leading with Insight

CDE Skillbuild Launch Photo Blog

How-To Develop your Employees

Skill development and succession remain a major issue facing employers and it has been suggested that in the next ten years, 50% of jobs will require new skills.  Leaders and managers need to ensure…

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High Performing Team Blog

Five Top Tips to Build a High Performing Team

Participants on our LEAD™ program for senior leaders joined us for a masterclass with Dan Hunt, former Sports Director with British Cycling and former Performance Director at GB Snowsport, where he…

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Inspire Belief Women's Day 2023 No 4

You Can Be What You See

International Women’s Day is a global day aimed at celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women, and the theme this year is #EmbraceEquity.  Although we are well…

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Effectively Managing Conflict Blog

Effectively Managing Conflict

Conflict is a predictable component in the volatile mix of behaviours and emotions found in organisations often leading to decreased productivity, increased stress, wasted energy, diminished…

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Managing Conflict Blog

Managing conflict: The DNA factor

Last week our leadership and business development program delegates had a Masterclass with Professor Carole Howorth on managing conflict in business, where she shared her research, insights and…

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Chris Creed

Leadership Shadow

In last week’s blog we looked at the importance of self-awareness in leadership and shared steps that can be taken to develop and increase your own self-awareness.  As leaders, when assessing your…

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Cohort 1 OE

Take the LEAD™

At this time of year, thoughts often turn to plans for the future and many of us make promises (resolutions) to ourselves – to get fit, to eat better, to drink less and so on. However a 2021…

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Q+ Showcase Part 1

Celebration of Leadership

One of the most valued aspects of our programs, our delegates tell us, is getting the chance to hear from other leaders, regardless of whether they are from the same industry, or in a completely…

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