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Blog: Leading with Insight

WBD Blog

World Book Day: Essential Reads for Business Leaders

Books have long been a source of wisdom, inspiration, and challenge, shaping the way we think and act as leaders. On World Book Day this Thursday, it’s worth reflecting on how reading can sharpen our…

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Blog 14.01.2025 (1)

Embracing Leadership Growth in 2025: A New Year's Commitment

As we step into 2025, it’s natural to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the year ahead. While personal resolutions often take center stage — like adopting healthier habits or learning…

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Creed Foodservice Lorries

The Magic Formula of a Gloucestershire Business Legend

We look at the journey a family firm began just under two decades ago that took its turnover of £29 million to four times that and staff numbers to 450. It's a business that’s just been sold for £70m.…

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Malcolm At Masterclass

The Real Role of Marketing

This month, our LEAD™ program delegates were treated to a Masterclass on world-class marketing by Professor Malcolm McDonald – a world authority on strategic planning and marketing.  As well as being…

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Show Me The Money Blog

Show Me the Money: Market Segmentation

“I’d like to explain how a winning marketing strategy will make you richer."  Having published over 50 books, sold more than half a million copies, and worked with directors in hundreds of companies,…

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Being Resolute Blog

Being Resolute

As another new year begins, it is customary to make a list of resolutions; all the ‘bad’ habits we’re going to break and the ‘good’ new behaviours we intend to adopt. Often though, our best intentions have lapsed by Burns Night.  Instead of resolutions, we invite leaders to consider what it means to be resolute. …

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Business Planning 2020

Leadership Roles and Responsibilities

Where should leaders and managers spend their time? Where leaders and managers should spend their time and focus their attention is a question that is often raised across our many leadership and…

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Where's My Herbie

Where's Your 'Herbie'?

Are there issues in your business that slow things down or block progress?  If so do you know where your Herbie is?  That’s what Eli Goldratt calls a Bottleneck in his top selling book, ‘The…

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